If your question is not addressed below and/or you wish to file a complaint, please call the Code Compliance Office at (307) 686-5309.
Residents can call in a complaint regarding issues they feel are in violation of Chapter 13(PDF, 150KB) of the City Code. A Code Compliance Officer will verify the complaint by inspecting the property in question. If there is found to be a violation by the Code Compliance Officer, a case is opened and a letter will be sent to the property owner stating the section of Chapter 13 that is in violation as well as a deadline for compliance. Additionally, an abatement of the property may occur. If the property owner comes into compliance, the case is closed. If compliance does not take place within the time-frame stated in the initial letter, the case moves forward and may receive a citation and mandatory court appearance with a municipal judge.
The municipal judge can issue a fine up to $750 (to which court costs may be added) for each offense. Each day’s continued non-compliance constitutes a separate offense. Additionally, an abatement of the property can occur.
For the purpose of Chapter 13, to "abate" means to repair, replace, remove, destroy, or otherwise remedy a condition.
If a property does not come into compliance with Chapter 13 of the City Code within the time-frame stated in the letter that is sent to the property owner by the City's Code Compliance Officers, the abatement process begins.
- A physical sign is posted on the property - The Code Compliance Division will request bids from licensed contractors for the cost to remedy the specified violation.- The Code Compliance Division awards the bid.- The contractor remedy's the violation on the property.- The property owner or responsible party will receive a bill for the cost of the contractor.
Once grass and weeds reach a height of twelve (12) inches and higher is deemed a nuisance and must be mowed. Property owners are given fourteen (14) days to address tall weeds and grass. If the grass and weeds are not mowed and the property is not brought into compliance, the property will be posted for abatement.
As a property owner, you are required to keep the sidewalk abutting your property clear of all obstructions to allow for pedestrian access. If there are trees in your yard which hang over the sidewalk, it is your responsibility as the property owner to trim the tree to allow proper use of the sidewalk. Trailer hitches are not allowed to hang over the sidewalk. Sidewalk snow removal is also the responsibility of the abutting property owner.
Appliances are not to be left outside for more than twenty-four (24) hours
Tires, buckets, bottles, etc. are not to be left outside for more than seventy-two (72) hours. If the previously states items are stored outside, they must be stored in such a way to prevent the collection and stagnation of water, as stagnant water is an ideal breeding ground for insects.
All construction debris must be controlled on-site to prevent debris from being windblown on to adjacent properties. The owner, or responsible party, must maintain a proper container to control construction debris generated at the construction site..
No, you cannot store these items on your property for longer than 14 days unless they are properly stored in an enclosed building or on a commercial zoned storage lot. Additionally, furniture cannot be stored outside for longer than 14 days.
Garage sale signs should be located on private property only. Garage sale, yard sale, lost pet, etc. signs should not be located within City of Gillette right-of-way or on any utility poles or boxes. If signs are found to be on or within City of Gillette property, they are immediately removed.