Daycare Information

Are you interested in opening a new daycare or renewing an existing license? If you live within the City of Gillette, the following steps are required:

1) If you are interested in opening a new daycare, contact Melody Warren with the Wyoming Department of Family Services at (307) 682-7906 or contact her at the office which is located at 1901 Energy Court, Suite 300, Gillette, Wyoming.

2) Once you have spoken with Melody regarding State requirements, or if you are up for renewal of your license, contact the Code Compliance Division at (307) 686-5358 and request zoning approval for the daycare operation. You will need to provide the following information at the time of contact:

    a. Name of owner/operator
    b. Address of Daycare
    c. Number of children being cared for

    *If you are a first time applicant, you will be given more information regarding the
      requirements listed in Section 6t. of the City of Gillette Zoning Ordinance and will have
      more questions to answer.

3) Once your information is obtained, the zoning will be checked to ensure you are properly zoned to operate the business at the requested location.

4) If the zoning is approved, the Zoning Administrator will sign the Application for License form and give it to you. You will then need to contact the Fire Department to schedule a time to have your home inspected. The Fire Department will use this Application for License form to complete their inspection.

5) If the Fire Department approves the inspection, you need to give the Application for License form to Melody Warren with the Wyoming Department of Family Services located at 1901 Energy Court, Suite 300, Gillette, Wyoming. If the inspection is denied, the Fire Department will notify you of the needed corrections and set another time with you for a re-inspection.

6) Once Melody has the completed Application for License form, she will continue the licensing process with the State. Melody will give you final approval on the application and/or any other instructions regarding State Licensure. If the application is for a renewal license, Melody will determine whether or not that can again be granted.

                                                Daycare Zoning Information(PDF, 15KB)  [PDF]

*If you live in the County, please contact the County Planning and Building at (307) 682-1970 to obtain the Application for License form.