To Adopt-a-Planter, contact Janie Kuntz at (307) 686-5275.
There are 72 Adopt-a-Planter flower planters located along the City's boulevards and in the City’s parks. The volunteers who adopt these planters include families, individuals, businesses, civic groups, churches, neighborhoods, and other groups.
The flowers for the planters are purchased by the City and handed out to the volunteers in late May. Volunteers plant the flowers, then mulch, fertilize, and weed throughout the summer. Volunteers are also encouraged to decorate their planters to add individual character. The City waters the planters through the growing season.
In recent years, several shrub planters were adopted out to interested groups. This program makes it feasible to support and install more beautification areas in Gillette. New flowerbeds are added to parks and beautification areas and are adopted out to volunteers each year.