Snow & Ice Control

The Streets Division plows and applies a variety of anti-icing, de-icing and traction materials to counter the effects of snow and ice buildup. The City’s policy is to keep arterial and collector streets, emergency routes and trouble areas passable for drivers. When these areas are complete, crews will move into residential subdivisions. Temperatures and other weather conditions can greatly influence the effectiveness of different materials used to keep our roads safe from the accumulation of snow and ice.

You can follow the City snow plows during a snow event with Snow Vehicle Locations map application.

During a snow event, it is important to remember that the streets are slick. Please drive accordingly, slow down and watch for other drivers. The snow plows off-set each other while plowing the main streets for maximum efficiency and everyone should refrain from driving too close or trying to pass them.

Please remember, we are fortunate to live in Wyoming (even in the winter) and we enjoy a high level of snow removal service. Please be patient as crews are working as diligently and safely as possible.

Please call the Streets Division at (307) 686-5278 with any questions or concerns or send an email.