Avian Protection Plan


The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has encouraged individual electric utilities to develop Avian Protection Plans (APP), in response the City of Gillette has worked with nationally recognized, certified wildlife biologist Richard Harness of EDM International, Inc. to develop an APP. Our APP has been developed to comply with the Migratory Bird Treaty Act (MBTA), the Endangered Species Act (ESA), The Bald and Golden Eagle Act (BGEA), while promoting harmonious coexistence of power facilities and wildlife habitats and monitoring the impacts of the power lines on Raptors. The City of Gillette attends Avian Power Line Interaction Committee training; this allows us to assume a proactive relationship with this industry leading group, including development, implementation of new guidelines and equipment as they become available. 

When installing a new structure or when retrofitting an existing structure, the City of Gillette will make the structure so that it is safe for raptors and for the crew working on it. When we can avoid avian contact with utility facilities it enables us to improve reliability while being responsible stewards of the environment.

Some of the measures that are taken are to install
perch deterrents, provide alternative nest structures,
adding insulation on wires, providing adequate space
between electrical lines and developing design
standards for new construction.

We remain committed to providing energy in a safe, reliable and environmentally compatible manner. In step with the City of Gillette’s environmental commitment, we strive to be good stewards of the resources in our community. Our APP is a living document that will be modified over time to improve its effectiveness.

For questions or concerns regarding our APP, please contact:

Electrical Services Superintendent, Mick Wolf:
E-mail: Mick@gillettewy.gov
Work Phone: 307-686-5277
Cell: 307-257-5084