
Stonepile Soil Amendments (Biosolids): AVAILABLE

Yard Waste Compost: AVAILABLE

Only debit and credit cards will be accepted for all compost and wood chip sales.

Compost is $20 per cubic yard for Stonepile Soil Amendments (Biosolids) Compost and Yard Waste Compost. 

Pickup times for Compost:   7:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. 7 days a week

The wastewater treatment facility (WWTF) treats an average of 3.04 MGD (million gallons per day). We reclaim the solids which are composted and sold to the public as the Class A biosolids product known as Stonepile Soil Amendments(PDF, 165KB)

Wyoming Department of Agriculture - Certificate of Product Registration for Compost(PDF, 599KB) .

Click here to learn about how wastewater is treated to create the Stonepile Soil Amendments (Biosolids) Compost.

Processed Wood Chips: AVAILABLE

As part of the City's Yard Waste Program, the City of Gillette collects tree branches, brush and similar vegetation from the public at the City's Wastewater Treatment Compost Facility. Wastewater Staff grind and process the tree branches, brush and similar vegetation into wood chips for use within the City's biosolid compost material.

Currently, the City has a surplus of wood chips at the Compost Facility. Selling the surplus wood chips to the public will generate revenue to offset the costs associated with grinding and producing the processed wood chips.

The cost for the wood chips is $20 per cubic yard. 

Compost Pile You can find our more about our compost by watching this video on the City of Gillette's      YouTube page.